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Available Speaking Topics


This class helps one maintain clear perspective during hard circumstance. It also re-affirms our identity in Christ no matter what experiences we’ve had in life. The focus is on forgiveness, personal responsibility, and discerning our perspectives trading our perspectives for Christ’s. There is an interactive activity that the group can do and discuss together as part of this presentation as well as discussion questions as the teaching takes place.

Confident Singles:

This workshop is a presentation explaining the importance of walking out our identity in Christ as single women. It helps us not to see ourselves in a lower position because we are single, but to appreciate what God has done in our lives. There are interactive exercises that make women look at who they are, their purpose, and willingness to endure through various challenges of being a single woman. There are also discussion questions for all participants to discuss as the teaching takes place.

Healing & Refreshing for God’s Single Daughters:

This workshop compares the life of being single to that of Esther in the Bible. She was one who experienced loss through losing her parents, but God made provision for her through her elder cousin. She was hidden during her season of preparation, and given favor when who she was had finally been revealed. You see, she’d been chosen before the foundation of the world by God to be the queen of Persia. She had a specific purpose by God to be positioned to save many people. What many Christian single women consider as uncomfortable, unfair, and loss is actually a setup by God for his extraordinary purpose for our lives that will help to save others that Satan, like Haman, intended to destroy. There is an interactive exercise as well as various discussion questions as the teaching/presentation takes places.

*Note, all topics are interactive and can be catered to various age groups.


Author & Workshop Facilitator/Teacher

My Identity is rooted in Christ.


As for God, his way is perfect: The LORD’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him. – Psalms 18:30